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Introduction to Michigan Young Agent : Leah Robinson

By Leah Robinson posted Feb 10, 2020 08:32 AM


Happy February! I am Leah Robinson, Commercial Lines Producer from the My Member Insurance Agency in Saginaw, MI. I’m very excited to take over the YAC’s social media for the month!

My path into the insurance industry began when I was a senior in high school in the fall of 2012. I attended Eaton County Career Preparation classes, located at Michigan Farm Bureau’s headquarters in Lansing, MI. The courses I studied were Principles of Insurance, Personal Insurance, and Commercial Insurance. These classes got me interested in the insurance industry and I decided to continue my education at Olivet College.

I first heard about the Michigan Young Agents while I was a student at Olivet College. I remember the whole committee coming into our classes and sharing their experiences as young professionals in the independent agency world. They also talked about scholarships available to students who were interested in pursuing a career in an agency, so I applied. In 2014 I was awarded a scholarship and attended the YA Conference on Mackinac Island to accept.

I graduated from Olivet College in 2016 with my Bachelor’s degree in Insurance & Risk Management and Financial Planning. I spent my first few years after graduation working at an agency in Indiana. An opportunity arose in 2018 to move back to Michigan, which is how I ended up at the My Member Insurance Agency.

My first year back in Michigan, I was excited to attend the YA Conference in Traverse City so I could meet other young professionals in the industry. It was a great conference and I was able to catch up with a lot of old friends and make plenty of new connections.

In November 2018, I married my husband Zack. We live in the Frankenmuth area with our two dogs, Arnold and Becky. Zack and I work together at the agency, along with his parents Bob and Tracy (plus the other 20 or so employees who are not related to us 😊). Outside of work I enjoy traveling, visiting family, tap dancing, and spoiling our dogs.

This is my second year on the Young Agent Committee, and I am so happy I got involved! There are many great opportunities that the Committee offers:

  • This group of young professionals does an amazing job of creating and fostering relationships within the industry. Young Agent events are a great place to network to be around people who are experiencing the same work challenges, struggles, and successes.
  • The Committee works hard to bring relevant professional and personal development opportunities to every Conference.
  • Every year the YAs share their love for the independent agency system with hundreds of high school and college students. We know the importance of attracting top talent to our industry and we are always trying to reach out to more prospective students. Remember we have scholarships!
  • The Young Agents encourage participation in PAC contributions, and involvement in local and national lobby days.
  • We also have the amazing opportunity to pour our hearts into a different charitable cause every year, which allows us to bring awareness to causes that are more than worthy of our support.

The Young Agents Committee provides many great experiences and opportunities to insurance industry professionals. It would be so great to see you attend one of our many events throughout the year! Please make sure to follow our social media accounts to stay up to date on everything that is happening.

Later this month I will be showing you “A Day in the Life” from my role at the agency – see you then!

Leah Robinson AINS, CAWC, CIC, CRM
My Member Insurance Agency
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Feb 13, 2020 09:46 PM

Michigan Young Agents: Pledge to Plunge for Ele's Place 2020

The Michigan Young Agents have been a busy group thus far in 2020.

Between visiting college classes and high school classrooms and preparing for the upcoming MAIA Conference, a group of passionate Young Agents made the trek to the Sunrise Side of our lovely state to join me as we dipped into the icy waters of Lake Huron to take the Polar Plunge at the 70th Annual Perchville this past weekend. 

The annual festival is held in my hometown of East Tawas each Winter and one of the feature attractions is the Polar Plunge, where a hole is cut into the ice of Lake Huron and hordes of people pay to jump in the water. As a local, it is almost a rite of passage in our small town. 

Since the Young Agents have been fundraising for our chosen charity Ele's Place, I offered up the challenge to see which of our devoted group would be willing to "Pledge to Plunge" as a fun way to raise money in support of our charity. In conjunction with a few crazy co-workers from my office, many stepped up to the challenge!

Over the course of January, we were able to raise almost $1,500 to present to Ele's Place! This only meant one thing: we were jumping in!

On a sunny Saturday afternoon, five brave souls from our group of Young Agents and 2 co-workers as well as the vibrant MAIA Membership Director and Young Agent Liaison Terri Bettinger joined me to honor our commitment as we dove into the frozen lake.

Many thanks to everyone who drove, dove, and donated to such a great cause, I am already looking forward to next year!